The Importance of Social Media and Its Impact on Public Opinion

Jan 17, 2021
The Importance of Social Media and Its Impact on Public Opinion
The Importance of Social Media and Its Impact on Public Opinion
Jan 17, 2021

Lately, social media have become an effective and influential tool in shaping public opinion in our societies, and they are no longer a regular means, but rather a main source of news with a very high rate.

Social media is no longer a secondary tool, but rather a necessity imposed by the rapid changes in the world of mass communication in addition to being an effective tool in shaping public opinion and influencing it.

Today, social media networks have become more appealing to public opinion than traditional media. Despite the presentation of similar content, the presence of instantaneous interaction with the audience in social media networks resulted in making social media in the forefront. 

Many political sociology researchers agree that social media has greatly affected social and political upbringing, especially with the youth who use it the most. Based on this, social media can be used as a tool to spread positive values ​​such as loyalty, belongingness, and active participation in nation-building and development. On the contrary, other researchers believe that social media has contributed to the decline of the role played by original upbringing institutions, such as the family, which is no longer the main source of values ​​after social media has taken over the minds of the youth. Also, they believe it began to threaten many of the values ​​that matter to the families because of the influence in the youth in the virtual world. 


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