How Leaders Can Support Their Team During A Crisis

Jul 14, 2020
How Leaders Can Support Their Team During A Crisis
How Leaders Can Support Their Team During A Crisis
Jul 14, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, it is important for leaders to show support to their team since many of the team members might be stressed and anxious about their health, the future of their career and many more. Therefore, here are several ways for leaders to support their team during crisis: 

Do Not Exaggerate the Small Stuff   

The team members have a lot on their minds at this stage. Hence, it is important to not add even more anxiety and stress to their lives by micromanaging them or obsessing over perfection. Therefore, a better way would be to think done instead of perfect and let them focus on priorities and keep their workload at a minimum. 

To Prioritize the Health of The Team Members 

As most individuals could be anxious, stressed about heath, future careers and might as well be struggling with depression or other issues during this pandemic. Leaders can support their team by suggesting physical and mental health tips, this could be done by encouraging them to mediate, exercise, eat healthy snacks and foster positive thinking. A good way to achieve this is to organize digital health events or offer allowances or subscriptions for digital therapy programs. 

Break the Routine 

To foster fun and connection which will break the routine. Studies have found that workplaces that do have fun, have happier and more satisfied employees, it will also keep them always motivated and less stressed. Moreover, it is one of the best ways to strengthen relationships. 

There are many ways for leaders to support their team members, it is crucial for leaders to have this mentality that always aims for the win for everyone in the organization, especially during tough times. 




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