Different Proven Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website

Jun 01, 2020
Different Proven Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website
Different Proven Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website
Jun 01, 2020

Most visitors when they land on a website, they will for just one or two paragraphs that speak directly to their need and not all of them will want to read an entire web page. A lot of users will try to find the piece of information they are looking for or they will scan through the webpage to determine whether it’s worth reading or not. However, in order to keep visitors longer when they land on your website, there are proven ways on how information is best digested: 

• Mobile Compatibility 
Based on various analytics, it always shows that more people are visiting websites from their mobile devices, yet many websites still have serious issues when displayed on a mobile device. A responsive website will detect the screen size it’s viewed on and adjust the styling of the page accordingly. This ensures that the majority of your website will look good on mobile devices without having to make any adjustments. 

• Add Sections  
Without proper sections, information will be messy, and the chance of losing a visitor before they read more than two lines of content will be very high. Hence, when building a page or blog post that offers a large amount of information about a certain topic, it is highly recommended to divide that information up using headers, spacing, and sections that ensure that your webpage is easy to scan by the reader. 

• Use Listing
Using lists is good for both readers and search engines too, as you often see listed information appear in the top positions on search engines. Lists can be bulleted or numbered. Bulleted content enables the reader to see a summarized content, giving the option to the reader to easily find out further details, while numbered lists help readers to quickly grasp the content presented in terms of first to last best to worst for example. 

• The Use of Graphs, Charts and Tables 
Graphs and charts are essential when comparing things conceptually, or through time frames. Using colors is also recommended to make them stand out and make it easier for the reader to access the information. Also, breaking down your content into a table helps readers understand complex information with just a glance.  

Overall, great content is what answers questions of the reader. Hence, breaking down content into digestible pieces is significant. Also, developing a great website content might take time, but it lasts forever. 

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